Portable church

Shopping at our nearest shopping centre today (Midland Gate) when I ran into someone I have immense respect for. We didn’t sing and we didn’t pray, but we did have Church right there as we talked. It’s nearly 6 years since I stood in the almost exact same place having church with one friend, and then another, and another – like a group skydive – each grabbing hold of the other as they floated by ‘by chance’.

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Had a very smiley morning with my folks today. Have been taking Mum shopping often on a Thursday morning and today Dad came along too. Mainly for the fun of taking Miss 5 into school – though I cleverly forgot it was photo day and the usual half hour wouldn’t happen. Nevertheless content, we pottered off to Midland Gate and while Dad took a seat, Mum and I went off to hunt down the things she wanted.

Continue reading “Reminiscing”