She held my face in her hands

My Nanna was pretty unique.

She’s been gone a good long while but I had cause to think of her today.

I went to help a friend with something this morning. It took a bit of time but the thing itself wasn’t a big deal to me because it was dealing with stuff I understood. For her though, she’d got into a muddle and a slump and couldn’t see her way through.
I felt like that recently when future SIL rescued me from a techno problem which had me ready to scream, but which was second nature to him. 🙂

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Passover-Easter-Communion series 2/8

If you lived and worked in two different time zones, you would obviously need to keep track of the time in both places. The calendar we are used to is not the same as the calendar spoken of in the Bible. Because of this difference most of us are unaware of the days on which many recorded Biblical events happened, or the days on which God set His “appointed times” (moed).

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Passover-Easter-Communion series 3/8

Mary and Joseph were both from the tribe of Judah (2000ish BC). It also seems that they were both descended from King David (1000ish BC). Mary a descendant of King Solomon, and Joseph a descendant of another of David’s sons – Nathan. That means, all the kings of Israel/Judah were in Mary’s lineage. While Jesus was not Joseph’s blood son, he was Josephs lawful son, and was of royal blood any which way you looked at it.

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