Passover-Easter-Communion series 4/8


“Nine nights since the temple shofars faintly sounded. Nine nights of counting. Nine nights of preparing, packing, remembering, walking.

And after sundown begins the new day. The 10th day.

For weeks before the walk I scoured the house. Not a corner nor a crevice left unswept. Samuel still insists on hiding his crusts in so many places… but not a trace of leaven is to remain! Our stocks have become low since weeks past. There must be as little waste as possible.

We arrived a few days ago. As usual, exhausted. The consolation – knowing I would be almost as exhausted if it were my turn to stay home this year with the animals, the crops, the house and the children without John and the boys. Priscilla instead, minds their own and ours with only her little ones for ‘help’.

The rest of us have lodged with our relatives Miriam and Joel. Miriam is still busy, checking room to room… sweeping any last crumbs, checking outdoors where the children play. Not a morsel , not a morsel.

As I look around I see there is barely room to move with all our mats across the floor, and all the children a year taller.

We lined up for hours waiting for our turn to mikveh. The water so cold and so sweet. What a relief. What a joy to have come so far and completed the demands of the law. But still we worry, what if something happens? Will we have to return next month for second Passover? It has been known to happen!

John, Joel and Benjamin will be away at first light. Battling the temple crowds to purchase our lamb. It must be perfect in every way. Not a spot or a blemish. We won’t expect them home till the evening meal, such will be the queues and the waiting.

Jerusalem in the spring. Buzzing with voices and animals, scents and blossoms, people, reunions, tempers and laughter.

Tonight we remember we rest: bone weary, overjoyed, anxious and anticipating the coming days.”

(This little series has been posted with dates in the opposite order to which it was written so as to appear sequentially to readers)