“That” woman!

The woman described in Proverbs 31 brings anything and everything between motivation and interest to sighs and groans of loathing. This will depend on the age and season of the woman and her experience of marriage and family – but mainly it will depend on the way she has perceived the passage to have been taught. This little offering of mine is to share some thoughts as I see the chapter in question…

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“Sowing judgement for judgement” is a phrase a friend used in conversation many years ago. It’s one I’ve thought of a great many times since then – when I either watch or find myself in situations where that is the temptation. You know the ones… Where instead of going a distance beside the other, to discover what they think and why, we arc against something and often never are aware that all we’ve done is mirror judgement back. Love when what seems like a throwaway comment impacts both thought and action so deeply.

Trumpet sounds

When I was a young teen, the topic of the second coming/the rapture/the tribulation/end of days was a hot and common topic in the church. It does still come up, but much less than years ago and mostly I think viewed with suspicion and there-goes-a-fruit-loop-ism these days. Suspicion is good if it makes you look for Bible truth, and so is there-goes-a-fruit-loop-ism for the same reason, but mostly I think it’s I’m-havening-a-nice-life-don’t-interrupt-me-ism or maybe a case of no-one-ever-told-me-Jesus-is-coming-back-ism. Or maybe fear.

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The friendship of anger

I know there is good anger. Right anger. Necessary anger.

BUT ~ Anger is a common and quick false friend. This kind is a deceiver, a weight and a fog.

It obscures vision, weights thought in one’s favour, and justifies more action in anger.

Always? No, but probably more often than we care to admit.

Get out of the cloud – look clearly.

Smash the fake scales – judge fairly.

Build ~ don’t rip.

To judge or not to judge?

It’s not such a simple question!

A number of years ago I did a book display at a super ‘conservative’ Christian rally.  I’d recently spent a number of years prior to that in a Pentecostal church but I’d attended the same rallies by the same conservative group as a small child with my parents.  I stood there awash in The Fathers love and a sense of His presence and joy with the memory of being a toddler in that very auditorium and I knew the same joy I felt in the Pentecostal style worship was because it was the same Holy Spirit who was in each place.  Neither set of beliefs governing style had everything right, but the Holy Spirit, by God’s grace, was present in both.  He was there when I was a toddler in that auditorium, He was there in the Pentecostal church and He was there again that night.

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