Names of God and typos

I give myself cause to laugh or groan with a sense of “I can’t believe I did thatness” every single day.

Today’s needs to be prefaced by the fact of having had a number of recent conversations where people are debating the correct name to address God by. I’m not talking in an “all roads lead to Rome” kind of a way, I’m talking a – this is His ‘correct’ ancient/Hebrew/Aramaic/hidden-and-now-revealed-and-we-all-must-use-it kind of way.

Yesterday in a text message I had wanted to let someone know I’d been thinking of her but on rereading it today – I’d sent it mentioning Hod instead of God. 😂 😂 😂

I’m still cackling over it and smile even more because my friend didn’t mention the typo and clearly understood what I’d said regardless.

How much less so would have God himself?