Are you a good grudge keeper? About a week ago I started thinking about a common thing that people seem to do – and two possible alternatives.
Continue reading “Record of Rights”Countdown!
I recently downloaded a new app on my phone called “Countdown”. It has one function (for me) which is to count the number of days till I turn the big “five – oh!!”
I read a study that claims people have a greater sense of urgency when we think in terms of days, rather than years, and that this can help us focus more consistently when working toward goals.
Continue reading “Countdown!”Last ride to school
To the tune of “99 Bottles of Beer” – written after 20 years of our kids attending school – taking the last two out to start homeschooling! <3
9000 trips to school on my clock,
9000 trips to school
You take them down and turn around
9000 trips to school.
Mismatched definitions
It still amuses me after all these years that when a child asks a question or the meaning of a word it so often turns out to NOT to be the question or answer that first crosses my mind.
This mornings word meaning/question was “Mum, what is a mistress?”
Continue reading “Mismatched definitions”Enchanted
It seems to me that the true witchery of beguilement is not the deception itself… but in the creation and carriage of the desire to have been so…
Beguile: charm or enchant (someone), often in a deceptive way.
Of Wardrobes and Gratitude
I hid in the wardrobe and listened to their worried voices calling my name.
“Heather? Heather! Where are you?! Where IS she?”
I’d never climbed in there before. This was a one-off. I remember drawing my knees up under my chin, feeling the clothes against my face and drawing the solid sliding door closed to within an inch or so – the most shut I could make it while curling my 10 year old fingers around the edge from the inside.
Continue reading “Of Wardrobes and Gratitude”Scary prayers
Reasons God doesn’t answer our prayers. The standard human responses to that question are that He will answer with either a ‘yes’, a ‘no’, or a ‘wait’. There have been many prayers I’ve prayed that I have not seen the answers I desired to see. Many. Some I have still not reached a place of peace about… either because someone I love died, or because I’m still currently waiting and hoping.
Continue reading “Scary prayers”Red lights – Green Lights
I know I’m not the only person who has ever prayed or wished for green lights when I’m in a hurry somewhere. But it was a wonderful friend and mentor Elaine McGrath, who maaaaaaaaaany years ago at a mothers group I used to attend said the words “God sends the red lights too”.
Continue reading “Red lights – Green Lights”Gran’ma and her prayers
I only have one memory of spending one on one time with my Gran’ma. I have heaps and heaps of wider family memories, but just the one with her by myself. I must have been in primary school at the time as I was left with her for the day while I was sick and Mum had to go do something. I was looking at a piece of her handwriting and noticed the differences between her style of cursive and my own. I loved the old fashioned ‘f’s’ and ‘t’s’ and ‘r’s’ in particular and got her to show me how to form them. She sat so patiently with me and showed me over and over and over how to do them, until I got the flow of it and from that day forward, I started incorporating what she taught me into the way I wrote. The extra curls and swirls were much more artistic than the way that I knew.
Continue reading “Gran’ma and her prayers”Sometimes the forgiv-EN
Have you ever noticed that all the internet quotes on forgiveness only ever seem to focus on one side of the coin? They say things like “unless you can forgive you won’t move on” and how forgiveness frees the one who forgives from bitterness etc etc etc. I do agree with them but they only present one side of a coin – it’s almost as though we are all the forgivers and no-one causes the pains/offenses.
Continue reading “Sometimes the forgiv-EN”