A tiny life

The day he was born, we entered the never before seen underworld of the neo-natal unit at King Edward on the 8.2.08.

I ignore the crashing in the corners of my mind… it has happened… he is born… too soon… too soon…

Crash. Tilt. Tip. Walk on.

… on this ward we save babies… but on another are the pipes connected to the machine that our son as 1st year plumbing apprentice had been sent to clear the blockage of the suctioned the baby parts just a few months before…

How can this make sense.
Statement not question.
Crash. Tilt. Tip. Walk on.

Barely longer than his Daddy’s hand.
Arms smaller than his Mummy’s ring.
So perfect. So tiny.

A life that joined two families.

I stand at the window and watch as Rod goes to the crib.
I am aching to be close but am full of cold germs.

The whoosh of the air and the beeping of machines every time the door opens.
Two allowed at a time, one by one people swap.

We stand together and watch his parents loving like they were made for this. From the issues that were so forefront before – now all that matters is life.