A walking prayer

A friendly young voice called out while serving at the register beside me “Hello Mrs McEwan! How are you?” I looked across seeing a hint of familiarity but having to admit (with a smile and a ‘hello’ first) that I couldn’t recognise him. He told me his name and a heap of context whizzed through my mind as I looked at this tall and smiling young man that I hadn’t seen since being about 3 feet tall. He had to serve another customer so I thanked him for saying hello, told him it made me so happy that he had – and asked him to say ‘hey’ to his mum for me.

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I’d gotten myself into a lather over the last few weeks about a decision I needed to make. I felt equally torn for and against it, tried to think of pros and cons either way, talked to Rod, talked to friends, considered counselling, googled articles about decision making, lost sleep, developed 3 (yes THREE) tiny twitches in my face, worried my socks off and finally saw I needed to decline.

Continue reading “Relieved!”