Would I die for you?

If a child of yours needed a kidney, or bone marrow, and yours was a match, you would do it wouldn’t you?… Recently in a bit of a health scare for a child of ours (make that a health issue in which I got scared – it doesn’t take much to go from 0-10 in my scale of potential for disaster) I found myself thinking – if I could take this for them, instead of them – I would.

One of the thoughts known to have cycled around my head a FEW times is the question – would I die to save my child? And the answer is yes, in a flash, but the qualifier is – what if I did but another one needed me to do the same for them as well? I couldn’t save a second if I’m already dead!

Yes I know this is Christmas not Easter, but the point of Christmas was God taking on flesh in the form of a baby – in order to go to the Cross. His death wan’t just for one of His children, but any who would believe on Him.

Spirit of God,
Who took on flesh,
To die as a man.

The depth of this mystery is still often baffling to me. It is simple and profound at the same time. I am encouraged to know that the angels who’ve existed since before time began are also somewhat baffled. They’ve been present to watch the whole story play out but also don’t have complete understanding (1 Peter 1:13) – yet.

The fact you would die for your child is a reflection of the Fathers heart for you. He did it already. Before we even knew we had need.

If you’ve read this far and are curious?

Tell Him.

Ask. Seek. Look.

Ask. Seek. Look.

It takes a whole heart – not the leftovers. ❤️

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”
Old Testament: Jeremiah 29:13

“Ask and keep on asking and it will be given to you;
seek and keep on seeking and you will find;
knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who keeps on asking receives,
and he who keeps on seeking finds,
and to him who keeps on knocking,
it will be opened.”
New Testament: Matthew 7:7-11