Passover-Easter-Communion series 3/8

Mary and Joseph were both from the tribe of Judah (2000ish BC). It also seems that they were both descended from King David (1000ish BC). Mary a descendant of King Solomon, and Joseph a descendant of another of David’s sons – Nathan. That means, all the kings of Israel/Judah were in Mary’s lineage. While Jesus was not Joseph’s blood son, he was Josephs lawful son, and was of royal blood any which way you looked at it.

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The friendship of anger

I know there is good anger. Right anger. Necessary anger.

BUT ~ Anger is a common and quick false friend. This kind is a deceiver, a weight and a fog.

It obscures vision, weights thought in one’s favour, and justifies more action in anger.

Always? No, but probably more often than we care to admit.

Get out of the cloud – look clearly.

Smash the fake scales – judge fairly.

Build ~ don’t rip.