Mary and Joseph were both from the tribe of Judah (2000ish BC). It also seems that they were both descended from King David (1000ish BC). Mary a descendant of King Solomon, and Joseph a descendant of another of David’s sons – Nathan. That means, all the kings of Israel/Judah were in Mary’s lineage. While Jesus was not Joseph’s blood son, he was Josephs lawful son, and was of royal blood any which way you looked at it.
Continue reading “Passover-Easter-Communion series 3/8”The friendship of anger
I know there is good anger. Right anger. Necessary anger.
BUT ~ Anger is a common and quick false friend. This kind is a deceiver, a weight and a fog.
It obscures vision, weights thought in one’s favour, and justifies more action in anger.
Always? No, but probably more often than we care to admit.
Get out of the cloud – look clearly.
Smash the fake scales – judge fairly.
Build ~ don’t rip.
Passover-Easter-Communion series 4/8
“Nine nights since the temple shofars faintly sounded. Nine nights of counting. Nine nights of preparing, packing, remembering, walking.
Continue reading “Passover-Easter-Communion series 4/8”Passover-Easter-Communion series 5/8
“I hear His name on the breeze – Yeshua HaMashiach. Jesus our Messiah. I know you’ll be here somewhere.
Continue reading “Passover-Easter-Communion series 5/8”Passover-Easter-Communion series 6/8
The bitter herbs and wine are on the table. The lamb is resting. The other roast trimmings will be there too but tonight we remember the first and the last Passover. The last? Because Jesus fulfilled all the law. Tonight, and the coming week, is about honour and remembrance and learning and awe of how the law pointed toward Him, and all that He did.
Continue reading “Passover-Easter-Communion series 6/8”Passover-Easter-Communion series 7/8
Have you ever had a child in such peril
That the axis of your inner world tips sideways
Your eyes dilate till the light burns them
Your breathing comes in painful gasps…
And then the wrenching sobs that start
Passover-Easter-Communion series 8/8
An online dictionary says an ‘object lesson’ is:
1. A concrete illustration of a moral or principle.
2. A lesson taught by using a material object.
Forgiveness on my mind
When it’s not asked for and not given.
When it is asked for and not given.
When it’s not asked for and IS given.
When it’s asked for and given.
All are possible, some more likely, the asking and the giving can be longed for by the other, though none willing to take the first step.
Emptying prayers
I have been a bit ‘stuck’ on the topic of prayer for a while. A few months ago at church I became a bit un-stuck. As in, no longer stationary as WELL as a bit unglued emotionally.
Continue reading “Emptying prayers”Shaping moments
In my life I’ve been surrounded by wonderful older women who I have watched shamelessly to see the what, when, how and why of the way they deal with family and life in general. Some of these things are almost incidental when they happen, but they shape our lives.
Continue reading “Shaping moments”