Shaping moments

In my life I’ve been surrounded by wonderful older women who I have watched shamelessly to see the what, when, how and why of the way they deal with family and life in general. Some of these things are almost incidental when they happen, but they shape our lives.

Just one quick example was when our own kids were very little and my wonderful Auntie Jennie who I love and adore arrived at a family party with her 3 teens.

They were late, flushed and apologetic for being late. Reason? They’d been busy top-dressing the lawn and wanted to finish. I was struck by the kids open, happy expressions – no sign of resentment over the way they’d ‘had’ to spend their day OR being hauled off to a boring family party.

An internal decision was made inside me that day – I knew I wanted that and would need to work to get it. I’ve always tried to figure out how best to do things, but that day I got more intent. She would never have dreamed their lateness would impact me the way it did. If I told her she’d laugh herself silly and say something gorgeous to me that would begin with “Oh Love”!

I’ve got lots of stories about these women but what about YOU? Anyone like to write about how an older woman affected who you have desired to be? Or what you learned from her? Or something of a similar nature?