Busy bodies – kids holiday challenges

I’ve never considered myself our kids entertainment agent but having a small person without in-house playmates is very different to to previous crew of 6 who always had someone to play or hang out with. The idea of this chart is to help Miss T stay busy through the holidays, not rely on media, have a storehouse of ideas, keep experimenting and have fun in a way I’ve semi-planned for her – though she still has many many choices.

We’ll print one a week and fill in 10 dots a day before the media question arises. 🙂

Home version sample

There are 3 versions of the chart available though I expect you’ll probably need to make your own according to your own kids interests etc.

  1. The HOME version I print and use in PDF
  2. A PLAIN version in PDF with less detail that you might be able to adapt for your own use more easily
  3. I am more than happy to send you the Publisher file by email if you have Publisher on your own PC and would like to use it as a template. Please use the ‘contact‘ form on the “Welcome Mat” tab to drop me a line. 🙂

A list of the Challenges follows – with a little bit of explanation about some of them. Many have links you can chase up included.

Tidy it. That’s all!

Ours are: Ride, play, skip, catch, baset ball, hula hoop

Draw, Paint, Lego challenges, cook, craft, Tynker, Windows Paint Use links below in “Idea Gathering”

Cook books, craft books, magazines, whatever resources you have with activities not done in the year.

  • PINTEREST– make their own account and do some initial searches to protect from random unwanted pins. (I’ve dont a lot of art related searches which generates unwanted images from time to time 🙁 )
  • LISTS This has some fun ideas as well as the more usual – need to scroll down the page to find the list itself.

Just make a list of books you already have rather than more to purchase. Maybe a prize for a certain number completed?


A NOTE or, a list, a letter (by hand)
LISTS – This has some fun ideas as well as the more usual – need to scroll down the page to find the list itself.

Or WRITE an email (undercover typing practice) – maybe say ‘hi’ to Dad at work?


Our craft supplies, bookshelves and pretty much everything gets pretty raggle-taggle through the year so setting one small task a day is hoped to set us straight by school time. A shelf, a box, a cupboard, a draw – something small is all I’m after.

There are plenty of kindness challenges out there – will pop a few here – or just use the Love Languages for prompts.

REWARD TIME! That is when 10 dots are earned 🙂

Plenty available online or visit Koorong 🙂

Bought a pretty $3 book from Kmart – planning to teach her the ACTS acronym to journal with after her devotions at night. Just asking her to write a short sentence, or bullet points per heading.

A – Adore. Thing of something that amazes you about God or something that He made, or has done and tell Him.
C – Confess. Talk to Him about the things you know you did wrong in the day… sins, bad attitudes. Ask His forgiveness and help.
T – Thanksgiving. Think of your blessings and thank Him! Places, people, activities, abilities, provision – for yourself or others.
S – Supplication. Help, needs, desires, wants. Just tell Him about these things and don’t expect Him to act like Santa.

If you start this and find it becomes burdensome or onerous – that’s the opposite of its purpose so either simplify it, or scrap it!