Anger masking

I see anger as something that can not only be destroying but also as something very motivating… it creates surges of energy… some anger can’t be avoided for sure but underneath that anger lies the real reason and the real reason creates – sometimes, screaming agony. In that agony there is a kind of helplessness -which – we prefer to avoid. We’d rather the energy and momentum of the anger than feel/know/address the true core. Praise God we are not helpless in fact, but we do have to recognise and explore the pain that is there in order to heal.

To speak or not to speak

29 March 2014 · The worst thing about being hopping mad at a time when you can’t do anything about it – is that you can’t do anything about it. The best thing about being hopping mad at a time when you can’t do anything about it – is that you can’t do anything about it.

29 March 2014 · So today as I’ve spent time mulling over the thing I was hopping mad about I’ve exhausted my need to hop and am calm tho quietly frustrated and sad – and glad of the forced time to think and be prayerful. There’s a quote picture thingy floating around on these pages that asks:

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? – as a rule of thumb for posting on FB. I do like it but have needed more questions today as I’ve thought on things. These are:

If I don’t speak up will anything bad happen? (Possibly… In a connect the dots kind of a way)

In the overall scheme of things, how much damage has been done? (Minimal)

Is there a principle involved? (Most assuredly – and herein lies my trap of the past).

So will I speak up? Well first I discuss with my less fuzzy other half… And then we will see. But at least I’m in a better head space.

Some years ago I had a picture of myself trapped stationary under a mighty hand of love. A strange one for sure, but then I read “You hem me in, You are behind me and before me” and I eventually ceased the struggle to free myself of that Hand.

How and what do you do to regulate yourself when hopping mad?

Pigs and pearls, good as evil

27 March 2014

It’s a tricky balance this speaking up for what you believe on a public forum.

This verse is about appropriate application – NOT name calling – and is often my decider on whether to get involved or not. (Usually not)

“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”

You might just as easily say “do not hang your fragile crystal in a hurricane and expect it back intact”.

I have been torn to pieces in the past… unnecessarily because I didn’t understand/apply this proverb.

It isn’t of course a stand-alone principle- there are always other things to consider… like this:

“Therefore do not let what you know is good be spoken of as evil.”

But even that is clarifying… the reverse can be a trap.


“Sowing judgement for judgement” is a phrase a friend used in conversation many years ago. It’s one I’ve thought of a great many times since then – when I either watch or find myself in situations where that is the temptation. You know the ones… Where instead of going a distance beside the other, to discover what they think and why, we arc against something and often never are aware that all we’ve done is mirror judgement back. Love when what seems like a throwaway comment impacts both thought and action so deeply.

Angry Psalmist

David must’ve been reeeeeally cheesed off by someone when he wrote Psalm 140. If you are cheesed off tonight maybe look it up…

(This was a VSP – very short post 🙂 )