The Middle Day
The 14th of Nisan ≈ 30 AD
Proclaiming His Death – to whom?
I got curious about the word ‘proclaim’ when it leapt out at me during a Communion service some years ago so I did some thinking and searching… This section was where my attention was grabbed:
Continue reading “Proclaiming His Death – to whom?”Would I die for you?
If a child of yours needed a kidney, or bone marrow, and yours was a match, you would do it wouldn’t you?… Recently in a bit of a health scare for a child of ours (make that a health issue in which I got scared – it doesn’t take much to go from 0-10 in my scale of potential for disaster) I found myself thinking – if I could take this for them, instead of them – I would.
Continue reading “Would I die for you?”To read at Easter
I wrote this little series of posts over the Easter weekend of 2014. I would go to my computer around the times significant events took place on the days of crucifixtion-death-resurrection, read the Scriptures, try to immerse myself in them and this is what I posted at intervals.

“Moonlight streamed through the olive trees and though He asked us to watch with Him – we fell asleep. In years to come we agonised together over so many failings, the fact we slept, just one. Excuses and justifications – full bellies and wine, full days and fear – all true, but excuses. We slept though He asked us to wait. We slept though he asked us to watch. We slept though He asked us to pray. We slept while He sweat drops of blood on the ground. How could we? How could we!……….. We did”
Exodus 12:42 Because the Lord kept vigil that night to bring them out of Egypt, on this night all the Israelites are to keep vigil to honor the Lord for the generations to come.
Passover-Easter-Communion series 1/8
Every night that I go outside, I find myself looking up at the moon and saying “Hullo Lord”. Not because I’m mistaking the moon for Him, or heading into some weird form of worship, but because the moon is a great reminder to me that He has set many ways to communicate with us, and in a sense the moon is one of those.
Continue reading “Passover-Easter-Communion series 1/8”Passover-Easter-Communion series 4/8
“Nine nights since the temple shofars faintly sounded. Nine nights of counting. Nine nights of preparing, packing, remembering, walking.
Continue reading “Passover-Easter-Communion series 4/8”Passover-Easter-Communion series 5/8
“I hear His name on the breeze – Yeshua HaMashiach. Jesus our Messiah. I know you’ll be here somewhere.
Continue reading “Passover-Easter-Communion series 5/8”Passover-Easter-Communion series 6/8
The bitter herbs and wine are on the table. The lamb is resting. The other roast trimmings will be there too but tonight we remember the first and the last Passover. The last? Because Jesus fulfilled all the law. Tonight, and the coming week, is about honour and remembrance and learning and awe of how the law pointed toward Him, and all that He did.
Continue reading “Passover-Easter-Communion series 6/8”