Exploring trust


It’s a tricky topic and one I’m still learning within.
I have some fears for the future. Not fears for me… fears for my kids. That’s a scary thing to admit to other Christians – especially the ones who usually have the right responses… because in the process of learning a thing the learning has to happen within the SELF, and sometimes you don’t know you don’t KNOW a thing until you ‘get’ it.

I cringe when I recall buying the book “Fear Free, Faith Filled” for someone who once told me of their fear. I thought the ‘right words’ could fix it but it couldn’t. And I probably wounded her even though she knew it was bought and given with good intentions. But I’d never been afraid at that point to know the words would be oil to water.

So yesterday, a minor epiphany. Or the beginning of a big epiphany I think… hope…

I realised God asks me to trust.

That’s kind of a given right?

The difference is that instead of hearing and understanding the words – I actually GOT it in my guts.

He asks me to TRUST.

He knows the end from the beginning.

I don’t.

But He also KNOWS I don’t.

And that is what trust is.

I think trust and faith overlap but are also different.

Faith involves certainty… based on information given.

Trust is in the NOT knowing…

Just the knowing of the One Who asks us to put our hand in His.

So, I am still kinda scared, but I have a new picture of what trust is, and a faith based on past experience, that He will help me understand more… and grasp the reigns which belong to Him, a little less.

After my post about trust a few nights ago, I read what I’d written back over and the words “MY children” really jagged me. The first reason being that it has always bugged Rod when I say “MY children” as they are in fact OURS not mine. So when I read that post back – that word really jumped out. But this was good as the realisation hit me fast, that not only are these children not ‘mine’… they are not even ‘ours’… they are GOD’s children – loaned for a time.

There are 2 senses of being ‘His’. One is in the sense of the Creator being the Owner. The other is of being yielded to Him…

He formed them and made them; He kinit them together in my womb; He already knew them when they were made in the secret place…

So all at once I was hit with the realisation that at least in part, my wonderings about trust have been backwards…

Stillness and silence came over me as I thought for the very first time in my life…
