Alternative Education for Year 11/12

If you have kids soon to be in the years 11-12 age bracket – this link and this link (both at the Department of Training and Workforce Development) provide a host of very viable and affordable options to school. Kids can leave school at the end of year 10, while still in the compulsory school-age bracket, as long as they’re in a situation that is of equal or more benefit to being in school – work or training can both qualify – there just needs to be an arrangement in place with an employer/trainer and the Education Department.

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I almost never open this box, though I keep it close, as I know the contents and all they summarize will reduce me to a puddle. And every year before his birthday I wonder about posting – and mostly I do – but mostly not much – as his story is not fully my own, yet his story so completely a part of me.

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An unexpected turn of events

I’ve also been thinking about the story of the woman caught in adultery in Matthew 8. It occurred to me to try and imagine what her life would have been had she not been outed. The religious leaders that dragged her, possibly naked, into the public arena of the temple where they knew Jesus would be, had precisely ZERO good intentions. They didn’t care about the law, they were misusing the law – after all, where was the dude? No justice there.

They didn’t care about her reform or status or situation in life (likely a prostitute – with no other means of survival). They were fully intent on trapping Jesus with what they thought would present Him an impossible call, and used force, shame, power and the perversion of justice to bring this to a head.

Very not fair.

Outrageous in fact.

So they brought her, guilty as charged, totally shamed before her community for either a judgement of death on her, or a means to create hatred and dissent toward Jesus.

And they failed.

In the end it seems everyone but Jesus and the woman left that place with a measure of shame. The leaders themselves caught in their own trap and the woman though guilty, was freed from her condemnation and shame.

What an incredible collision of intentions, actions and people.

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Who do you want to become?

Sometimes people or situations teach you what you don’t want to be, and sometimes they show you exactly what you DO want to be.

Visiting a friend years ago, we were in his empty church where we commented on some of the placement of the high-backed chairs dotted throughout the rest of the regular. They were for some of the elderly in the church who were extremely specific about the placement of their chairs every week – and that was one of my “I don’t want to be like that” kinds of moments.

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Would I die for you?

If a child of yours needed a kidney, or bone marrow, and yours was a match, you would do it wouldn’t you?… Recently in a bit of a health scare for a child of ours (make that a health issue in which I got scared – it doesn’t take much to go from 0-10 in my scale of potential for disaster) I found myself thinking – if I could take this for them, instead of them – I would.

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We each all see through our own sets of filters.

If a picture of a man and a boy fishing on a jetty are shown to a child from a reasonably functioning family – this child might say “That’s a kid and his Dad fishing”, another child with an abusive or absent father might just say “That’s a kid and a grown up fishing”.

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