Rejecting the lasoo

I will renew my mind today and every day.
I will LIFT my eyes and not dwell down.
I will set my gaze forward and reject the backwards quicksand.
I will sorrow where there’s need.
I will not wallow.

I reject the cloak of wounding and receive bandages of healing.
I will not be bogged in solving the unsolvable but wait for His answers.
I will remove myself from death culture.
I will not dwell in or fan the flames of fear. I will remove the elements that feed it or myself from its vicinity.
I will not ruminate in what ifs.
I will go after peace.
The King of Love my Shepherd is.
I will be still enough to hear His voice.
He paid for my peace and I will not sell it for pleasure or profit or pride.
I will focus my energy into knowing Him so His Life transforms me from the inside out. I will stop trying to be like Him and let Him grow me into His likeness.
I will drink Him in.
I will wash in His waters.
I will feed on His Word.
I will breathe in His Spirit.
I will walk and move and live in His Light.
And I will shelter under His Wings.
He didn’t bring me religion.

He brought me Him Self.