Some What-Ifs

What if we begin to see the places the words of our mouths and the revealed attitudes of our hearts are less than consistent…

What if in fear – we learn to go to God…

What if in sorrow, we learn to lament…

What if in worry, we learn to quit leaning on our own understanding…

What if in anger, we recognise which Being is grieved by this and which being is relishing it…

What if in selfishness, we learn to sacrifice our wants and preferences for the wellbeing of others…

What if in disappointment we relinquish our over-control…

What if in coming home, our hearts did too…

What if in crazy, we find peace and strange joy…

What if in lack, we discover provision…

What if without church (lowercase ‘c’)
– we became better Church (uppercase ‘C’)…

What if in the losses we find what we were missing before…

What if, with distractions gone, and simple elevated, and lonely moments – we find the One who’s been waiting all along.