That thing you believe

Everything we believe can have all these questions as layered factors within our systems.

The first thing we hear cuts the deepest track.  Like a dribble of hot water on the surface of a jelly.  All other returns to the channel that is pre-cut.  Which is fine if the pre-cut channel is right, and not so fine if it is faulty.

  1. What if the thing you believe is just the thing you heard first? …
  2. What if the thing you believe is just what you want to believe? …
  3. What if the thing you believe is just because someone you love believes it? .
  4. What if the thing you believe is in fact due to past unresolved hurts?
  5. What if the thing you believe is built on just a fraction of the whole?
  6. What if the thing you believe is actually incompatible with the other thing you believe?
  7. What if the thing you believe is just because it’s easier?
  8. What if the thing you believe is just because you are angry?
  9. What if the thing you believe is just because it affirms you?
  10. What if the thing you believe is because it promises something that appeals?
  11. What if the thing you believe is logical but wrong?
  12. What if the thing you believe is what’s making the loudest noise?
  13. What if the thing you believe is just because change is harder than same?
  14. What if the thing you believe is just because you are pouting?
  15. What if the thing you believe was pitched from an agenda?
  16. What if the thing you believe means you’re the one that’s always right?
  17. What if the thing you believe stops you from loving someone who doesn’t believe it? …
  18. What if the thing you believe was designed to divide?
  19. What if the thing you believe benefits you and injures another
  20. What if the thing you believe is a prison?
  21. What would be the implications if that thing you believe was false?

That piece of gossip.  Well it sounded plausible.  It makes sense of an unknown.  But what about the other persons perspective?  Or the testimony of multiple witnesses?  Have you never seen a movie with a twist?  Or where the resolution was hidden till the last moments?  If you re-watch it, indicators were there but not seen till brought out.  All of life is like that.

That medical fact.  Is it someone’s vested interest?  Is it borne out by other research?  Is someone… multiple people… hiding or massaging findings? 

The faith of our childhoods.  Has it been tested, examined, tried and proven?

Examination is the key.  Holding that thing up to the light and looking for its strength or weakness, its completeness or lack, credibility, context and completeness. It may well be that the first thing you heard is what you will hold to – but is it chosen and proven and does it hold up under agenda free scrutiny?