Bringer of Light

Not by any particular design of my own, I’ve happened to read the story of the man possessed by a legion of demons (in Luke 8) several times in the last few weeks. The demons recognised Jesus, understood his authority – and were terrified.

If a room full of rats hear the footsteps of the night guard approaching and see the light coming closer from under the closed door – they will scatter and hide. Not because the light itself will harm them but because the bringer of the light just might.

Sin loves and needs the cover of darkness to proliferate. It thrives there. Prefers it there and actively seeks to remain there.

Just like the demons – they don’t want to leave or relinquish control. They will hide from the Bringer of Light and remain until we open the door in welcome.

I’m convicted of this in my own life and faith walk – not to point at anyone else – it is offered for those to whom it might help, not for condemnation.