Sleepless nights

Have you ever noticed a difference between night-time thoughts and daytime thoughts?  By ‘night-time thoughts’, I specifically mean the ones that roll around in your head when you’d rather be asleep?  I usually sleep like a slab of concrete. Head down – BAM – that’s it till Rod turns on the shower in the morning but sometimes… no.

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Ignorance might be bliss but…

A week ago a friend in her 60’s caring for her elderly mum along with her sister, told me how the mums behaviour was changing and making life for all very difficult, but that something that had come to the surface was that the sisters were being set up against each other and how this current behaviour revealed that the mum had done this from their enitre lives… a whole range of situations had now been brought into the light of new information and understanding.

I have wrangled many times with the verse “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world“… and in case there’s any doubt, I do absolutely believe in the actual existence of a being known as many names, including Satan, and that he’s had thousands of years to hone and implement a zillion strategies against humans. Why against humans? Well for one thing, when evil doesn’t get what it wants, it sets about the poisoning and ruin of anything good or pure – for hates own sake and for the purpose of revenge against the One in Whose throne he desires to sit.

Don’t panic – I’m not comparing that elderly mum to Satan – what I am saying though is that through many difficult situations in life I have not been able to see past a current conflict and apply how that verse makes sense. I remember discussing a situation with my sister about 20 years back “but we DO! We DO wrestle with each other!!” And it’s true… we do… but since thinking about that friend from last week I see a slightly wider view… there is a someone who is good at remaining hidden, when he finds he cannot have he can’t have our adulation, adoration or worship – is very strategic and utterly unfair, striking at our most vulnerable moments – and will actively set out to steal, kill, rob, destroy, devour and decimate.

If we will not worship him – he will set about souring our worship of the Saviour in malicious ways using relationships and circumstances in myriad ways. And because we’re often not wise to his strategies – he can make ground.

We can attribute too much to the devil.

We can also attribute too little.

So soft that only the heart can hear he whispers fear and lies, mistrust and misunderstanding, deceit and power in many shades from his place in the shadows. Perhaps remembering he is about the destruction of lives, families and worship – and will pit people against each other by whatever means – is a place to start getting wiser.

Has he been stirring your pot?

It is for freedom

I have been thinking a lot about the difference and overlap between the need for redemption and the need for forgiveness.

The transaction at that fateful tree, transferred the birthright of all Eves children from the Kingdom of Light, to the Kingdom of Darkness when she believed and acted on the persuasions of an upstart Prince – over the presence, blessing and promises of the King of All.

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What Tomatoes taught me about God

It is a very good thing that God isn’t like me. My interest in raising these tomatoes lasted longer than in my usual horticultural efforts, but it still waned. After a couple of months I was forgetful and busier in other directions and sure as you like, I forgot to keep watering, checking, restaking. Thankfully Rod noticed my usual gardening habits had kicked in and he picked up on the watering so they didn’t die but their yield won’t be as big as if I’d maintained more thorough care in the early weeks.

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Chambers of our lives

“300 roses” is what I was told it would take to practice before I’d be able to paint a good rose. This was in the days when folk art was the craft phase of choice and the person who told me was my teacher. I was quite lunatic about this phase and would shift my stuff to the laundry when the table was needed for dinner and dash between kitchen and laundry to keep working on my projects in between the stages of cooking dinner. Pretty sure there were some burnt chops in that season of life.

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