The mind and heart of a babe

I first recognized that a baby knows it has a spirit when watching our first little one be fascinated by her hands as they floated by her face at just a few months of age. These foreign objects? What are they? Where did they come from? What are they to do with me? KNOWING the true ‘me’ is inside.

The next time I saw that a baby knows it has a spirit was watching that same firstborn make eye contact. Who taught her that??? How do babies know to DO that??? It is inborn! Another sign of the knowing of the true self being WITHIN the skin… even more interestingly the ‘knowing’ being of themselves AND of the other whose eyes they meet!

Another time in life people know they are spirit – although they may never be cognitive of it – is when we age and when we experience illness. When our bodies take us by surprise and we wonder at this IMPOSTOR!!!

It is the middle portion of life when it can be so easy ‘forget’ this. The ‘voices’ of the outer world too loud to listen to the inner… Too comfortable and used to ourselves to remember.

“He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end”.
Ecclesiastes 3:11b